Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Super Computer

We have all been talkin about what are super computers I have a config. if it is put in a cabnate the computer will be be working faster than our eyes blink:

1 Thz (Tera Hutz) processor
Intel Core 2 Duo
3TBterabytes) RAM DDR2
100MRB(1024 TB = 1 MeraByte) Hard Disk Space
1024Bit 4d Accelarated Grafix Card with 1 TB vRam
Direct x 100 compatible sound card
USB 10.0 with 10 USB ports
Now what's a Fast Modem?
1TB per second
An updated Drive
Blu Ray Disk Re- Writable Drive
Cost :
INR 50,000

I'm Sure you'll be waiting to buy it if it's available at that cheep cost

It's just a joke

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Access at Modern School Barakhamba Road

We had Gaming 1st Round Today i.e 23rd December from 10 am to 1 pm there no announcement made for gaming till 1 pm Then we talked to one of the organisers they said "We had gaming prelims yesterday and now you can't compete". We were shocked so we talked to Mr. Gautam Sarkar the head of the event he said the organiser to let me play and after that on FIFA 2006 I qualified for the finals but just when the finals were going to start the organiser said I can't play the finals and After they talked to my sir they said me to play from quarter finals again and they had send one of the biggest gamer sitting there for my re-quarter finals and they had even given him the Gamepad as a result I lost 6-o. Isn't that cheating

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Back with EA Sports Cricket 07

EA Sports Cricket 07 released in India

Here are some Screenshots

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

EA Sports Cricket 07 Coming Soon!

EA Sports Cricket 07 will be released on 24th November 2006 in India!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Download A Pakage

Now Download the game made by me in a pakage!


Friday, October 20, 2006

games unlimited

I have now brought u some more games after the success of hit the dragon and circle fight now we have

1 Tain tro train Wars

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

EA Sports Cricket 07

The release date for EA Sports Cricket 07 is announced the dates are as follows

1. India- 15th November 06
2. Australia- 16th November 06
3. UK- 24th November 06

Friday, October 13, 2006

The Wait is Over!

Now finally after a long term of the DECODE THIS quiz which started on 6th October 06 from day 1 their were 8 entries some through e-mails, some through comments and some through the chat. Wait for more fun to come on Virtuoso Vidit.

The answers are

1 Vidit
3. iPod shuffle Clip
4. Zune
5. Zen Vision M
6. Electronic Arts
7. Counter Strike
8. Sims Pets 2
9. Need For Speed Carbon
10. Vista RC1

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Well the wait is over now u don't have to wait any more for the clues and the answers
Search around the blog for some clues and try making answers.
And one of the biggest clue is in the Quiz Post

Friday, October 06, 2006


DECODE THIS has come out with its first computer quiz and these are no questions but toggle character codes decode them

Each code carries 10 points for correct answer and -10 for wrong
Results to be announced on: 10th October 06

Send your enteries before 12:00am 12th October


This is to inform u that if u have Net on Phone activated then u can play DECODE THIS on the web also just type this URL for playing the quiz on Mobile

The Quiz begins


TIP: Start with an easy one!

You can leave your answers in the comments.


How's the new template

How is the new template
isn't it looking gud?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It was my blog's birthday

My Blog completed one month on 30th september
This was founded on 30th August 2006
please give him a birthday gift by sending comments on each and every post!(rofl)
And a card by visiting it every day
I will keep a good health of it by updating it freaquently
And u can make it's birthday party by reading the posts carefully.
That makes it very happy

Hey it's WarP & Exun

This year WarP 2006 is on 11th and 12th October &
Exun 2006 is on 11th and 12th November
Isn't that a co- incident?
Can any one tell me when is Access 2006?
May be 11th and12th December!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Blu Ray Experience

VCDs DVDs and Now Blu Ray Disks
These were launched at the recently held IIF 2006 in Berlin
A Blu Ray Disk costs Rs. 1001
A Blu Ray Disk Player costs Rs. 45,000

Zune By Microsoft

MIcrosoft Launches there counter part to iPod Earlier they introduced Zen Vision M with Creative arts bow they get their own mp3 player

Music is, of course, a deeply personal experience. But far more instructive of the human condition than that, music is all about sharing.
Ever since our species learned to communicate musically, we have been sharing music- in our celebratory and sacred rituals, to listening parties, through the "you got to come down to the club and hear this great band" invites many of us still extend to our friends and partners.
And if you drive by your city’s concert hall tonight, you’ll note that there are thousands of people inside. Most are either in couples or small groups-where one in that couple or group told the other(s) about this act, or this concert appearance.
And that’s what so cool about Zune, the portable music player that Microsoft formally announced earlier today.

Zune has a wireless-enabled, player-to-player sharing feature that, um, iPod does not.

Matrix Codes

I have made some matrix codes!
Have a look at them
Please! do send comments

Here they are:

Thursday, September 28, 2006

EA Sports Cricket 07

Featuring the new, innovative 'Century Stick' control system that enables full control over foot choice, shot selection, shot power, and shot direction. New Quickplay cricket setting that lets players crank up the game speed, ease back the difficulty setting and join the excitement of Limited Overs or fully-licensed Twenty20 extravaganzas by playing a fast-blast match of hard-hitting sixes – or slow the pace down, slide the difficulty up and steel yourself for a five day Test. For a sustained challenge, gamers can choose from a complete schedule of English County and Australian State tournaments or lead the charge in this year’s eagerly anticipated Ashes campaign in the 3-mobile Series Down Under.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Game Arena

I Have Made Some Games
Please do see them

1. Hit The Dragon
2.Circle Fight (2 Player)

Please do send comments!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Zen Vision M

Finaly Creative releases ZEN VISION M
This will give a great compitition to Apple iPod
Creative has introduced Zen Nano also
Sorry for telling u all that Microsoft made it
It's only their software in ZEN VISION M

Apple Mac Mini

The Smallest computer I have ever seen is APPLE MAC MINI
Just 2inches in depth and 6.5inches in width
The new APPLE MAC MINI has Apples new OS MAC OS X LEOPARD ver.4
watch out for the new apple mac mini
with Intel core duo
log on to:

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

BIS Vasant Kunj host Computer Compition

BIS Vasant Kunj are hosting a computer compition on the 16th September 2006
The name of it is "DISCOVER IT 2006"

view their site for a little more details

Monday, September 04, 2006

Teachers Day

On 5th September is the Teachers Day
CLick Here to view TEACHERS DAY CARD

Sunday, September 03, 2006

WIndows Vista includes Media Center Software

Now a bad news for those who use media Center PCs
Windows Vista has got Media Center Software
But it will only be available in Vista Home Premium

Office 2007 Beta launched

Microsoft launches Ofice 2007 beta trial
it has got many new softwares
Office one Note 2007
Office Share Point 2007
sneek a peek every day on our blog for more info...

Windows Vista Candidate 1 released

Microsoft Releases Windows Vista Candidate 1
It's quite good
there is not much info about it

Friday, September 01, 2006

Microsoft Windows Media Player 11 Beta 2

Microsoft is becoming wiser day by day every day their is something new to see
and today it's Media Player 11 Beta 2 from Beta 1
ofcource it's too good and yes Microsoft has got a good Validation system for each software

Watch Out this for sure

Manav Sthali School Junior Wing

Manav Sthali School Junior Wing is organizing their anual day FANTASIA on Sunday 3rd September 2006 in Manav Sthali School R Block somme of the programms are:

Puppet Dance
Bhasmasur Play
Chanakya Play
Mujh Me shiv Hai Dance
Western Dance

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Microsoft WIndows Vista Beta 2 in India

Microsoft launched Windows Vista Beta 2 in India
It has the aero glasss effect
It also has got an option for start to display it has Start or A windows logo on it
It has also got a different Media Player 11

Microsoft IE7 Candidate 1 is here

Do u know that

The tabs in the explorer can be scrolled
Next version of IE 7 is the main one so it is somewhat like the main IE 7
This one has a better look from IE 7 beta 3
Aero Glass is too gud

3.2 MegaPixel Camera in Nokia Phones!

NOKIA N73: The 3.2 megapixel camera phone by NOKIA

Is Nokia trying to compete Sony Ericcson

Vituoso Vidit

To wiew the site intro click below

I am Vidit and like to work on computer this is my Blog I will make it better as I learn more in Flash and other things

I will make it the best blog of this whole world